Saturday, 9 June 2012

TCS Placement paper (Technical)

Interview Question 1

Define JAVA object serialization.


Object serialization is a process where an object's state will be converted to a format that can be stored to persistent storage for future restoration.
Interview Question 2

Define JAVA Swing.


JAVA Swing is an API that provides several GUI capabilities to JAVA applications.
Interview Question 3

Define JAVA struts.

Answer 3

JAVA struts is a widespread application development framework employing MVC (Model View Controller) architecture.
Interview Question 4

Which of the following program structure/component/statement is not an example for implementation of modularization ?

Options : a) DLL b) Functions c) type casting

Answer :

Option c) type casting. DLL and Functions help in modularization of a program while typecasting just converts from one data type to another.
Interview Question 5

Can a program be invoked from another program ? If yes, how it can be done ?

Answer :

Yes, a program can invoke another program using system calls.
Interview Question 6

Most of you would be knowing "Register" variables are the ones stored in CPU for faster access. Is there a crude way to determine data size for register variables.

Answer :

Yes, generally the size would be less than or equal to integer data size. There are exceptions too.
Interview Question 7

Is it necessary to use register modifier on all compilers irrespective of whether they are old or modern ones ?

Answer :

No, compilers nowadays are intelligent enough to decide which variables need to be kept in CPU registers depending upon the estimated usage.

Interview Question 8

Why RDBMS vendors need to care about JDBC specifications ?


JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. Its a set of classes, interfaces and other api components with which JAVA applications can interact with databases. Hence for any RDBMS to work well with JAVA applications, it is essential that they adhere to JDBC specifications, else their product cannot be used with JAVA applications.
Interview Question 9

When two program parts run concurrently without one waiting for the next one for some kind of input, what are thse parts with independent execution paths within a program are called as? Also, by what generic name we can call such program?


Those program parts are called threads. The program is called multi-threaded program.
Interview Question 10

Can abstract class be used without inheriting?


No, abstract classes cannot be used by creating instances directly. They need to be inherited before usage.
Interview Question 11

What is the process of working with remote objects by issuing function calls as if the object is within the same JVM is called as ?


RMI or Remote Method Invocation. This is the process by which remote object's functions can be invoked as if they are present in the same JVM.
Interview Question 12

Can a single JAVA process contain more than one threads executing concurrently ?


Yes, it is possible. This is how multi-threading works.
Interview Question 13

What are macros and why they are used ?

Answer :

In programming terms, macros can be defined as short statements that are actually expanded into lengthier set of statements during execution.

Macros in C save a lot of programming time (though there is no direct impact on execution time.)

Interview Question 14

What is typecasting ?

Answer :

In C programs involving arithmetic expressions, often need arises to convert a variable/expression of one data type to another. This process is called typecasting.
Interview Question 15

In C functions, what is the easiest way to pass arrays as arguments ?

Answer :

Passing by reference is the easiest way to pass arrays as arguments in C functions.
Interview Question 16

What does void keyword implies when used to the left of function name in function definitions ?

Answer :

void to the left of function name in function definition indicates that function will not return a value.

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